The other aspects of the recruitment process, particularly the submission of application materials and match, will continue as they have in other years. We feel that the recruitment process will be better for all participants if remote interviewing is available, given ongoing COVID-19-related concerns, even if the INS conference is held in-person. In the interest of our future trainees and their programs, we encourage remote interviewing rather than in-person interviews at INS or the training sites. APPCN strongly encourages all member programs to consider conducting recruitment and interviews of prospective candidates through remote methods, particularly the use of video platforms. We are encouraging this process regardless of whether INS is conducted in-person or virtually. To that end, we have decided to continue to recommend the modified recruitment process suggested for 2021. We again want to assure all applicants to APPCN programs that we are committed to doing everything possible to minimize ambiguity in the application and recruitment process. The Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the Association of Postdoctoral Programs in Clinical Neuropsychology (APPCN) are very mindful of the impact of the many uncertainties that continue to be caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on trainees who comprise the future of our profession. Please contact Doug Whiteside ( with any questions. This announcement about recruitment for the 2022 APPCN Match was approved by the BOD. Wednesday, February 16, 2022: Results of the Match are released to applicants and program directors.Ģ022 APPCN Match Recruitment Recommendation: Wednesday, February 9, 2022: Final date for submission of applicant and program Rank Order Lists. Wednesday, January 26, 2022: The NMS Match System opens for applicants and programs to submit their Rank Order Lists.

Beginning in 2025, only APPCN Member Programs will be able to participate in the Match. To determine eligibility, please review the Statement of Qualification for non-members on the Match website and contact NMS directly with contact info, program name, program director, mailing address, phone, fax, and email. Until 2024, programs that are non-members of APPCN are welcome to participate in the Match and are listed as “Participating Programs” on the APPCN Resident Matching Programs Website. The Match is administered on behalf of APPCN by National Matching Services Inc. The Match is sponsored and supervised by the Association of Postdoctoral Programs in Clinical Neuropsychology (APPCN). The APPCN Resident Matching Program (the “Match”) places applicants into clinical neuropsychology residency positions at training sites in the United States and Canada.